Pen with Built in Element Chart is a fantastic ballpoint pen combine with a pull out 4 color offset printed chemical element chart printed on both sides sized up to 168*68 MM. By default the barrel will be transparent, thus students can see those pens have a periodic table of elements build-in, thus, can’t help themselves to pull the element chart out to check As Pen with Built in Element Chart are made of high quality materials, and have smooth and comfortable handwriting, which make that also perfect for teacher and scientific workers to distinguish their daily pens form common just ballpoint pens.
If your institute or organization want to promote yourself to attract more young people, order a batch of customized Pens with Built in Element Chart will definitely distinguish yourselves from common giveaways. There are normally two ways to customized your own Pen with Built in Element Chart: by sending us your customized periodic table chart artwork. ( See artwork design instructions). Or put your company logo above the standard periodic table of elements chart. And of course we can also put a logo on barrel.

Group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Period | ||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 H 1.008 |
2 He 4.003 |
2 | 3 Li 6.94 |
4 Be 9.012 |
5 B 10.81 |
6 C 12.01 |
7 N 14.01 |
8 O 16.00 |
9 F 19.00 |
10 Ne 20.18 |
3 | 11 Na 22.99 |
12 Mg 24.31 |
13 Al 26.98 |
14 Si 28.09 |
15 P 30.97 |
16 S 32.06 |
17 Cl 35.45 |
18 Ar 39.95 |
4 | 19 K 39.10 |
20 Ca 40.08 |
21 Sc 44.96 |
22 Ti 47.88 |
23 V 50.94 |
24 Cr 52.00 |
25 Mn 54.94 |
26 Fe 55.85 |
27 Co 58.93 |
28 Ni 58.69 |
29 Cu 63.55 |
30 Zn 65.39 |
31 Ga 69.72 |
32 Ge 72.64 |
33 As 74.92 |
34 Se 78.96 |
35 Br 79.90 |
36 Kr 83.79 |
5 | 37 Rb 85.47 |
38 Sr 87.62 |
39 Y 88.92 |
40 Zr 91.22 |
41 Nb 92.91 |
42 Mo 95.96 |
43 Tc (98) |
44 Ru 101.1 |
45 Rh 102.9 |
46 Pd 106.4 |
47 Ag 107.9 |
48 Cd 112.4 |
49 In 114.8 |
50 Sn 118.7 |
51 Sb 121.8 |
52 Te 127.6 |
53 I 126.9 |
54 Xe 131.3 |
6 | 55 Cs 132.9 |
56 Ba 137.3 |
* | 72 Hf 178.5 |
73 Ta 180.9 |
74 W 183.9 |
75 Re 186.2 |
76 Os 190.2 |
77 Ir 192.2 |
78 Pt 195.1 |
79 Au 197.0 |
80 Hg 200.5 |
81 TI 204.38 |
82 Pb 207.2 |
83 Bi 209.0 |
84 Po (209) |
85 At (210) |
86 Rn (222) |
7 | 87 Fr (223) |
88 Ra (226) |
** | 104 Rf (265) |
105 Db (268) |
106 Sg (271) |
107 Bh (270) |
108 Hs (277) |
109 Mt (276) |
110 Ds (281) |
111 Rg (280) |
112 Cn (285) |
113 Uut (284) |
114 Fl (289) |
115 Uup (288) |
116 Lv (293) |
117 Uus (294) |
118 Uuo (294) |
Lanthanide Series* | 57 La 138.9 |
58 Ce 140.1 |
59 Pr 140.9 |
60 Nd 144.2 |
61 Pm (145) |
62 Sm 150.4 |
63 Eu 152.0 |
64 Gd 157.2 |
65 Tb 158.9 |
66 Dy 162.5 |
67 Ho 164.9 |
68 Er 167.3 |
69 Tm 168.9 |
70 Yb 173.0 |
71 Lu 175.0 |
Actinide Series** | 89 Ac (227) |
90 Th 232 |
91 Pa 231 |
92 U 238 |
93 Np (237) |
94 Pu (244) |
95 Am (243) |
96 Cm (247) |
97 Bk (247) |
98 Cf (251) |
99 Es (252) |
100 Fm (257) |
101 Md (258) |
102 No (259) |
103 Lr (262) |
Alkali metals | Lanthanides | ||
Alkaline earth metals | Actinides | ||
Transition metals | Nonmetals | ||
Post-transition metals | Halogens | ||
Metalloid | Noble gases |